球探足球比分 College and its representatives occasionally take photographs and video recordings in public spaces on campus for the College’s use in print and electronic media. 球探足球比分 photography policy serves as public notice of the College’s intent to do so.

Any student who does NOT want their photo taken or used in 球探足球比分’s print publications or electronic media needs to submit a waiver. 球探足球比分 waiver form is available here:  Photography Waiver Form.

球探足球比分 waiver information will be kept on file in the Records and Development Offices.

Important Announcement

球探足球比分 Board of Directors for 球探足球比分 College have made the difficult decision to close the college at the end of the 2024 Spring term.??


Current 球探足球比分 students will have the opportunity to complete their degrees at the same tuition rate through a teach-out with like-minded institution, Prescott College. Updates and scholarship funds will be available in the coming weeks and months. Information will be posted to www.goddard.edu.?

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